see higharc in action
Discover how Higharc can empower your team to conquer change, increase margins, and decrease cycle times.

why choose higharc?
Draft plans with generative AI
The world’s only design Studio made for homebuilding
Manage every plan and option
Effortlessly scale your products across markets
Get automatic takeoffs
See material quantities and costs in real-time
Use 3D sales tools
Dazzle buyers with a personalized experience
Produce automatic CDs
Start construction faster and with confidence
You're in great company
homes designed in Higharc and counting
faster plan
faster go-to-market timing
reduction in soft
cycle time
This is where we should have been 20 years ago. We’re able to move at light speed compared to where we were.

As soon as I saw the Higharc demo, I thought, this group has cracked the code.

The savings of 15 days in our soft schedule allowed us to start and close 20 more homes than anticipated in 2023, generating over $10M of additional revenue

What Higharc is bringing to the table is what customers have been wanting. People want to see instantaneously what is happening to their floorplan.